Jere Haas

Web Bio Page

Current Activities

Current Professional Activities

At Cornell University
Cornell Graduate Field Memberships: Nutrition; Anthropology; Latin American Studies; Epidemiology; International Agriculture. International Professor of Nutrition, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. Director, Human Biology Program. Acting Director, Program in International Nutrition. Advisory Committee, Human Metabolic Research Unit.

National and International
Member, Expert Advisory Panel on Nutrition for the World Health Organization. Member, Technical Advisory Group on Food and Nutrition of the Pan American Health Organization. Member, Section Committee, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Section H (Anthropology). Member, Publications Policy Committee, American Society for Nutrition. Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Nutritional Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.

Current Research Activities

My research deals with nutrition problems of women and young children, with a primary emphasis on iron deficiency and protein and energy undernutrition in developing countries.

I am currently examining two novel approaches to improving dietary iron intakes by enhancing the nutrient quality of staple food crops such as rice and beans and through the fortification of table salt. These staple foods and table salt are consumed by a large number of the most nutritionally vulnerable population groups in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the University of the Philippines at Los Banos and the Pennsylvania State University we have shown an improvement in body iron status in women who consumed a variety of rice bred for high iron content. The research was conducted in a population of iron deficient women whose rice consumption and dietary intakes were closely monitored. The women were fed either the genetically enhanced rice or a control variety for 9 months, after which, they were tested for improvements in iron status and behavioral and cognitive performance. This research has shown that “biofortification“ strategies can improve the micronutrient status of human subjects at risk of deficiencies in developing countries. We have recently begun a second "feeding trial" of other biofortified staple, black beans, in school children in southern Mexico. This study will test for improvements in iron status and related effects on cognitive function and physical activity in poor indigenous primary school children. The research is being conducted in collaboration with scientist at the Mexican National Institute of Public Health (INSP), the Pennsylvania State University and the Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Cali, Colombia.  We are also exploring the effectiveness of consuming table salt that is fortified with iodine and encapsulated iron in India through a program administered by the Micronutrient Initiative of Canada.  This project will test whether consumption of double fortified salt improves iron nutritional status, productivity, physical activity and cognitive function in women who pick tea on Indian tea estates 

A series of experimental studies on moderate iron deficiency and physical performance in non-anemic women is testing the effects of total body and tissue iron depletion, on physical performance, energetic efficiency and work productivity in response to dietary iron supplementation. This research has already shown that work efficiency and physical endurance are affected positively by iron supplementation. Continuing research in collaboration with the Mexican National Institute of Public Health (INSP) has shown that iron deficient female factory workers are less productive, less energetically efficient and less physically active than non-deficient women working at the same jobs. We have also recently shown that iron deficiency in these same factory workers is related to increased depression, which is exacerbated by psychological stress. These results were confirmed in a sample of Hispanic women in the US who participated in national Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). Currently we are studying the effects of iron deficiency on adaptation to physical training for non-anemic female collegiate endurance athletes. This research follows previous studies from our lab that have shown that iron deficiency reduces the ability of non-anemic women to benefit from aerobic exercise.

A third area of research examines the effects of gestational weight gain on fetal development in Guatemala, the US and China. This research explores the effects of both low and high maternal weight gain and the timing of the weight gain on various measures of newborn size development that reflect growth retardation or infantile obesity. Recent analysis of data from Guatemala has shown that poor rural women who gain on average less weight during pregnancy then recommended, nevertheless retain a large amount of that weight through 6 months postpartum.


Biographical Statement

Jere D. Haas is the Nancy Schlegel Meinig Professor of Maternal and Child Nutrition in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, College of Human Ecology, at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York. He is also International Professor of Nutrition in Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Science and Director of the campus-wide Human Biology Program. He received his Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology from the Pennsylvania State University and has been on the Cornell University faculty for 32 years. He is currently conducting research on the functional consequences of iron deficiency on physical and reproductive performance. The emphasis is on the effects of moderate iron deficiency on various aspects of physical performance and behavior in young women and how measures of performance relate to everyday productivity and social and economic wellbeing. He also conducts research on agricultural interventions to reduce micronutrient malnutrition and the effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal and infant growth and maternal postpartum weight retention. Professor Haas conducts research on these and related topics in maternal and child nutrition in the United States, Mexico, the Philippines, Guatemala, Bolivia, China, and India. Professor Haas served as vice-president and president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and serves on the Expert Advisory Panel for Nutrition of the World Health Organization and the Technical Advisory Group on Food and Nutrition of the Pan American Health Organization. He is currently a member of the advisory board for the Institute of Nutritional Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, China. He served as Director of the Division of Nutritional Science at Cornell from 1998 to 2003.

  • Ph.D. 1973 - Pennsylvania State University, Biological Anthropology
  • M.A. 1970 - Pennsylvania State University, Anthropology
  • B.A. 1967 - Franklin and Marshall College, Anthropology

  • Administrative Responsibilities
    Director, Human Biology Program
    Acting Director, Program in International Nutrition

    Courses, Websites, Pubs

    Courses Taught

    NS 2750 Human Biology and Evolution (also ANTH 2750)
    NS 3470 Human Growth & Development: Biological and Behavioral Interactions (also HD 3470 & BSOC 3471)
    NS 6300 Anthropometric Assssment
    NS 6980 International Nutrition Seminar

    Selected Publications

    J.A. Grieger, J.D. Haas, L.E. Murray-Kolb, and P. Kris-Etherton and J.L.Beard, 2008. Nutrient adequacy and food group consumption of Filipino novices and religious sisters over a nine month period. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17(4): p. 566-572.

    Yu, Z., Sun, J., Haas, J.D., Gu,Y., Li, Z., Lin, X. Macrosomia is associated with high weight-for-height in children age 1 to 3 years in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Obesity, 32(1):55-60.

    Beard, J.L., L.E. Murray-Kolb, J.D. Haas and F. Lawrence. 2007. Iron absorption prediction equations lack agreement and underestimate iron adsorption. Journal of Nutrition, 137:1741-1746.

    Beard, J.L., L.E. Murray-Kolb, F. Lawrence, A. Felix, A. del Mundo, and J.D. Haas. 2007. Variation in the Diets of Philippine Women over 9 Months of Continuous Observation. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 28:206-214.

    Crouter, S.E., A. Antczak, J.D. Hudak, D.M. DellaValle and J.D. Haas. 2006. Accuracy and Reliability of the ParvoMedics TrueOne 2400 and MedGraphics VO2000 metabolic systems. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 98:139-151.

    Haas, J.D. and F Campirano. 2006. Interpopulation variation in height among children 7 to 18 years of age. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, (supplement), 27(4): S212-S223

    Gregorio, G.B., and J.D. Haas. 2006. Nutritional revolution in rice: A new scientific challenge. Report 2005: Nestle Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp 38-39.

    Haas, J.D., and D.D. Miller. 2006. Overview of Experimental Biology 2005 Symposium: Food Fortification in Developing Countries. Journal of Nutrition (Supplement), 136:1053-1054.

    Neufeld, L.M., J.D. Haas, R. Grajéda and R. Martorell. 2006. Last menstrual period provides the best estimate of gestation length for women in rural Guatemala. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 20, 290-298.

    Haas, J.D. 2006. The effects of iron deficiency on physical performance. In Mineral Requirements f Military Personnel: Levels Needed for Cognitive and Physical Performance during Garrison Training, edited by the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine (IOM), The National Academies Press, Washington D.C, pp 451-461.

    Haas J.D., Beard J.L,. Murray-Kolb L.E., del Mundo A., Felix A., Gregorio G. 2005. Iron-biofortified rice improves the iron stores of non-anemic Filipino women. Journal of Nutrition, 135:2823-2830.

    Neufeld, L.M., J.D. Haas, M.T. Ruel, R. Grajeda and L.P. Naeher. 2004. Smoky indoor cooking fires are associated with elevated hemoglobin concentration in iron deficient women. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 15:110-118.

    Brownlie, T., V. Utermohlen, P.S. Hinton and J.D. Haas. 2004. Tissue-iron deficiency without anemia impairs endurance adaptation among previously untrained women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79:437-443.

    Brutsaert, T.D., J.D. Haas and H. Spielvogel. 2004. Absence of work efficiency differences during cycle ergometry exercise in Bolivian Aymara. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 5:41-59

    Neufeld, L.M., J.D. Haas, R. Grajéda, and R. Martorell. 2004. Changes in maternal weight from the first to second trimester of pregnancy are associated with fetal growth and infant length at birth. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79:646-652

    Brutsaert, T., S. Hernandez-Cordero, J. Rivera, T.Viola, G. Hughes, and J.D. Haas. 2003. Progressive muscle fatigue during dynamic work in iron deficient Mexican women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77:441-448.

    Hernandez, B., J. deHaene, F. Campirano, S. Barquera, E. Monterrubio, J. Rivera, T. Shamah, J. Haas, and J. Sepúlveda. 2003. Factores asociados a la practica de actividad fisica en mujeres Mexicanas en edad reproductiva. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 14(4):1-14

    Brownlie, T., V. Utermohlen, P.S. Hinton, C. Giordano and J.D. Haas. 2002. Marginal iron depletion without anemia reduces adaptation to physical training in previously untrained women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75:734-742.

    Haas, J. D., and T. Brownlie. 2001. Iron deficiency and reduced work capacity: A critical review of the research to determine a causal relationship. Journal of Nutrition (supplement), 131:676S-688S.

    Hinton, P.S., C. Giordano, T. Brownlie, and J.D. Haas. 2000. Iron supplementation improves endurance after training in iron-deficient, non-anemic women. Journal of Applied Physiology, 88:1103-1111.