Applescab Help


Begin New resets all the variables to their last-saved values and starts the simulation over again. Begin New may be selected at any time.

Continue continues the simulation for another season, simulating the overwintering of the fungus and the production of the appropriate numbers of ascospores the following season.

Exit terminates the simulation and closes Applescab. You may exit Applescab at any time during the simulation.


Susceptibility sets the relative susceptibility of the apple cultivar to apple scab. The options are Low, Moderate, or High susceptibility. Click on your choice, which will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.

Harvest Season allows you to simulate different apple cultivars with differing rates of maturation by selecting Early, Mid, or Late season maturity. Click on your choice, which will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.

Yield opens a window in which you can enter the maximum yield (in the absence of apple scab) in bu/acre or kg/hectare to simulate different apple cultivars and planting systems with different yield potentials. Enter the desired value and click the "Save" button. Your choice will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.


Emergence Date... opens a window to let you set the calendar date on which median emergence of the buds occurs. Enter the desired value (Month day) and click the "Save" button. Your choice will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.

Weather gives you the selection of one of five possible weather data sets: cool and wet, hot and dry, moderate temperatures and dry, moderate temperatures and moderate rainfall, and moderate temperatures and high rainfall. Click on your choice, which will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.


Ascospores... opens a window to allow you to set the total number of ascospores available to be released during the period of ascospore maturation. You may also set the number of ascospores per day that will be blown into your orchard from adjacent areas. Enter the desired values and click the "Save" button. Your choice will remain in effect until you reset it or until you close the simulation window and reopen it.


Ascospore report gives you a daily report of the progress of ascospore maturation, simulating the information that you might get from an extension service.

Weather Report provides actual temperature and rainfall data from the previous day as well as a forecast of temperature and chance of rainfall for the current day and the next two days. As in the real world, there is a degree of chance in the forecasts. They are based on the weather data that will actually be used in coming days, with a random component to reflect the inherent difficulty of predicting the weather.

Spray... opens a window that allows you to apply a spray of one of three fungicides or any combination of the three in a tank mix. "Protectan" is strictly a protectant fungicide, which interacts with the fungus on the surface of the leaf. "Eradican" is an "eradicant" fungicide that is absorbed by the plant tissues (and is therefore less subject to weathering by subsequent rains) and acts to suppress infections that are already established. "Combocide" is a fungicide that is primarily a protectant but has some limited after-infection activity.

Enter the dose of the active ingredient in kg/hectare or lb/acre. Click on the "Spray" button to apply the fungicide on the date given or on the "Close" button in the top right corner to exit the dialog box without applying the spray. The spray will be applied on the day following the day on which the command was given. A warning is given if the spray will be applied in the rain. A spray applied while it is raining will not leave the full residue of fungicide on the foliage.


Costs... allows you to establish the costs of apple production before the start of the season (before Begin New is selected). Enter the desired values for the costs, and click "Save".

Price... allows you to enter the market price of apples per bu. or per kg. for the current season's crop.

Show Report displays a full accounting at the end of the season.


You may select either American units of measure (pounds, acres, etc.) or metric (kilograms, hectares, etc.). The default is American units. Your selection here makes the appropriate adjustment throughout the program. The program is designed to set the units before starting the simulation with Begin New. A change made during the course of the simulation may not work properly.


Refresh restores the portions of the graph that are obliterated by opening and closing a large menu and resets the graph when you turn on or off any simulation variables.

The rest of the View menu allows you to turn on and off the display of the different simulation variables on the graph as the season progresses. Click on a variable to toggle it on or off, and click Refresh to make it appear on the graph.


Show Log displays the output of the simulation in text form. It can be highlighted, copied, and pasted into a text editor for subsequent editing to prepare a report. (Security considerations do not permit the browser to write directly to a file.)


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