[This file contains the vocabulary list for the Global Performing Arts Database table of a table of terms for sections of performances and the non-English translations of those terms. This list is used to describe the parts of a performance that an image or audio-visual recording capture. The columns of this file are the database ID number for the term (sectionid), the GloPAD language ID (multilangid, where 1=Japanese, 2=Russian, 3=Chinese, 4=German, 5=Chinese pinyin, 6=Japanese kana, and 7=Romanized Japanese), the English term (english), and the other language term (other_lang). The translations of terms into non-English languages used in GloPAD is on-going. For the most current contents contact GloPAC at glopac@cornell.edu.] "sectionid" "multilangid" "english" "other_lang" "1" "1" "Announcement" "発表/口上" "2" "1" "Intermission" "幕間" "3" "1" "Applause" "拍手" "4" "1" "Audience greeting" "観客挨拶" "5" "1" "Curtain call" "カーテンコール" "6" "1" "Antelude" "序幕" "7" "1" "Overture" "序章/序曲" "8" "1" "Performance: Act I" "公演:第一幕" "9" "1" "Performance: Act II" "公演:第二幕" "10" "1" "Performance: Act III" "公演:第三幕" "11" "1" "Performance: Act IV" "公演:第四幕" "12" "1" "Performance: Act V" "公演:第五幕" "13" "1" "Entire performance" "全公演" "14" "1" "Entr'acte music" "間奏曲/インターメッツオ" "15" "1" "Dance" "舞/踊り" "16" "1" "Interlude" "幕間" "17" "1" "Finale" "フィナーレ" "18" "1" "Encore" "アンコール" "19" "1" "Entrance" "入り口" "20" "1" "Exit" "出口" "21" "1" "Pre-performance ritual / activity" "上演前の儀式及び活動" "22" "1" "Dress rehearsal" "舞台稽古/ゲネプロ" "23" "1" "Production photograph" "アトリエ写真" "24" "1" "Performance: Sequence 1" "\N" "25" "1" "Performance: Sequence 2" "\N" "26" "1" "Performance: Sequence 4B" "\N" "27" "1" "Performance: Sequence 8" "\N" "28" "1" "Performance: Act VI" "公演:第六幕" "29" "1" "Performance: Act VII" "公演:第七幕" "30" "1" "Performance: Act VIII" "公演:第八幕" "31" "1" "Performance: Act IX" "公演:第九幕" "32" "1" "Performance: Act X" "公演:第十幕" "1" "2" "Announcement" "Объявление" "2" "2" "Intermission" "Антракт" "3" "2" "Applause" "Аплодисменты" "4" "2" "Audience greeting" "Приветствие зрителей" "5" "2" "Curtain call" "Вызовы на поклоны" "6" "2" "Antelude" "\N" "7" "2" "Overture" "Увертюра" "8" "2" "Performance: Act I" "Спектакль: Действие 1" "9" "2" "Performance: Act II" "Спектакль: Действие 2" "10" "2" "Performance: Act III" "Спектакль: Действие 3" "11" "2" "Performance: Act IV" "Спектакль: Действие 4" "12" "2" "Performance: Act V" "Спектакль: Действие 5" "13" "2" "Entire performance" "Весь спектакль" "14" "2" "Entr'acte music" "Музыкальный антракт" "15" "2" "Dance" "Танец" "16" "2" "Interlude" "Интерлюдия" "17" "2" "Finale" "Финал" "18" "2" "Encore" "Бис" "19" "2" "Entrance" "Выход" "20" "2" "Exit" "Уход" "21" "2" "Pre-performance ritual / activity" "Действие перед спектаклем" "22" "2" "Dress rehearsal" "\N" "23" "2" "Production photograph" "\N" "1" "3" "Announcement" "报告,发表" "2" "3" "Intermission" "中场休息" "3" "3" "Applause" "鼓掌" "4" "3" "Audience greeting" "\N" "5" "3" "Curtain call" "谢幕" "6" "3" "Antelude" "序幕 " "7" "3" "Overture" "序曲" "8" "3" "Performance: Act I" "公演:第一幕" "9" "3" "Performance: Act II" "公演:第二幕" "10" "3" "Performance: Act III" "公演:第三幕" "11" "3" "Performance: Act IV" "公演:第四幕" "12" "3" "Performance: Act V" "公演:第五幕" "13" "3" "Entire performance" "全套演出" "14" "3" "Entr'acte music" "\N" "15" "3" "Dance" "舞蹈" "16" "3" "Interlude" "\N" "17" "3" "Finale" "剧终" "18" "3" "Encore" "\N" "19" "3" "Entrance" "入场,入场处" "20" "3" "Exit" "出场,出厂处" "21" "3" "Pre-performance ritual / activity" "\N" "22" "3" "Dress rehearsal" "总彩排" "23" "3" "Production photograph" "\N" "1" "6" "Announcement" "はっぴょう/こうじょう" "2" "6" "Intermission" "まくあい" "3" "6" "Applause" "はくしゅ" "4" "6" "Audience greeting" "かんきゃくあいさつ" "5" "6" "Curtain call" "かあてんこうる" "6" "6" "Antelude" "じょまく" "7" "6" "Overture" "じょまく/じょきょく" "8" "6" "Performance: Act I" "こうえん:だいいちまく" "9" "6" "Performance: Act II" "こうえん:だいにまく" "10" "6" "Performance: Act III" "こうえん:だいさんまく" "11" "6" "Performance: Act IV" "こうえん:だいよんまく" "12" "6" "Performance: Act V" "こうえん:だいごまく" "13" "6" "Entire performance" "ぜんこうえん" "14" "6" "Entr'acte music" "かんそうきょく/いんたあめっつお" "15" "6" "Dance" "まい/おどり" "16" "6" "Interlude" "まくあい" "17" "6" "Finale" "ふぃなあれ" "18" "6" "Encore" "あんこうる" "19" "6" "Entrance" "いりぐち" "20" "6" "Exit" "でぐち" "21" "6" "Pre-performance ritual / activity" "じょうえんまえのぎしきおよびかつどう"