

Lewis, Jason

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Well-wrought words and carefully-crafted code form the basis of my artistic practice. Poetry is an intimate medium. It draws you in close, and whispers to you. You have to pay attention to the details. It is this quality that I seek to reproduce in interactive media. The hyper-rational process of constructing computer code can all too easily lead to interactive experiences which lack the human richness of even the most simple free verse.

Intensely personal in nature, my writing deals with the large and small details that make up a life as it unfolds, day by day, I have used poetry to address topics such as adoption & fostering, the transition ing from a small rural mountain town to Stanford University and San Francisco, and living in Berlin before the Wall came down. Formally, my work grows out of a fascination with the way that poetry can stretch the structure of language to great lengths yet remain intelligible, functional and enjoyable. Even more fascinating is the reader's ability to accept and incorporate the significance of that change in structure into the overall meaning of the poem. Such malleability provides the perfect arena in which to experiment with visual language.


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    Rockefeller New Media Foundation Proposal
    Lewis, Jason (2006-11-27T15:19:05Z)
    25 PIECES OF PAPER is a series of twenty-five interactive and dynamic poems investigating one Edward Guthrie. The project title is taken from a rule of thumb in cultural anthropology that holds that every adult person bom and grown to adulthood in the Western world since 1900 has at least twenty-five pieces of paper documenting their existence. These pieces of paper include birth, baptism, marriage and death certificates, tax identification numbers, school diplomas - in short, all manner of official records use to archive our passage from cradle to grave. Edward Guthrie name once appeared on a birth certificate. When he/I was adopted, that name was replaced with mine.