

Manovich, Lev

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I was born in Moscow where I studied fine arts, architecture and computer science. In 1981 I moved to New York; since 1984 has been working with computer media as am artist, computer animator, designer, programmer, educator, critic, and theorist In the 1980s.

My work is focused on investigating the new aesthetic possibilities of new media, particularly it the area of a moving image. I believe that new media opens up many exiting opportunities to redefine cinematic language. I am particularly interested in the possibilities of deriving a narrative from a database, algorithmic editing, and multi-frame formats. The project Soft Cinema OS submitted in this application is my largest new media project to date, and it is designed to investigate these possibilities.


Recent Submissions

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    Rockefeller New Media Foundation Proposal
    Manovich, Lev (2006-12-04T14:53:58Z)
    Soft Cinema OS is an interactive and Open Source version of the already completed project Soft Cinema. We have developed custom software which I use as an authoring tool to generate movies presented in an installation format. I propose to further develop software, document it, and make it available as Open Source; and also to develop an interactive version of software which will allow installation visitors to manipulate the rules controlling movies' generation.