

Hackenberg, Sigrid

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It is my belief that electronic media such as video, audio, digital images, and the use of texts can bring us closer to rediscovering the human experience, in essence, that experience which makes us human. For the past two decades I have experimented with video and sound works that have delved into multiple subjects and exhibition formats such as single channel video works, video and sound sculptures and video projection and sound installations. For the past two projects, my artworks have focused on the subject of history and memory. In particular, I have delved into the history of Germany covering the periods leading up to World War I and World War II. As we enter the 21st century, and history recedes into itself at the lightning speed that information travels, I have encountered a fascination with extending the moment of history. My video and sound installations speak to dramatic events and turning points in history and challenge the viewer to engage in the work as active and thinking participants. Complex in subject matter and execution, the installations are cinematic in scale and theatrical in character, alluding to Richard Wagner's idea of the "Gesamtkunstwerk (Total Work Of Art)," and to Walter Benjamin's notion of the "Trauerspiel (Work of Mourning)." Alongside working in the video and sound projection installation format, I have also created a number of historical portraits that are displayed on flat plasma screen monitors.


Recent Submissions

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    Rockefeller New Media Foundation --Supplementary Material
    Hackenberg, Sigrid (2007-02-23T19:02:01Z)
    A video and sound installation by Sigrid Hackenberg, 2001.
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    Rockefeller New Media Foundation --Supplementary Material
    Hackenberg, Sigrid (2007-02-23T18:40:45Z)
    As we enter the 21st century, and history recedes into itself, at the lightning speed that information travels, I have encountered a fascination with extending the moment of history. My installations speak to dramatic events and turning points in history and challenge the viewer to engage in the work as active and thinking participants. Cinematic in scale and epic in character, the recent installations allude to Richard Wagner's concept of the "Gesamtkunstwerk (Total Work Of Art)" and Walter Benjamin's notion of the "Trauerarbeit (Work of Mourning)."
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    2005 Rockefeller New Media Foundation Proposal
    Hackenberg, Sigrid (2007-01-12T15:11:35Z)
    The web based project "The Other Americans" will present an electronic poem of the fiercely independent and self-reliant voices that evoke the character of individuals who are living in rural America. The nature of the project is to give voice to the spirit of independence that is alive in communities where the mainstay profession is or used to be that of the family owned farm. I would like to create an archive of voices, moving images, and words that celebrate the spirit of the solitary individual in a world that is increasingly structured, monopolized and corporatised. The community that I have chosen to present is situated in Delaware County, New York. The focus will be on the dairy farmer whose livelihood has been decimated by the advent of giant corporate farms. The web project will weave together a history and memory that will engage the "moment", the "moment" of the "present", the "past" and its "future". It intends to discover the experience of being alive, of living the "everyday", the very poetry that is the act of living. It will present the struggle of individuals who remain true to themselves, their hopes and dreams, in a world that is increasingly dominated by mass culture. The project will emphasize the spirit and humanity of the individual who thinks for himself or herself.