

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Data

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This collection houses CUL-prepared data submitted to NCES. Federally mandated, NCES collects data from degree-granting postsecondary institutions (~3,700) on a biennial basis for its Academic Libraries Survey. Data is collected on collections, services, expenditures, staffing and facilities. PDFs include the NCES instructions.

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Recent Submissions

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  • Item
    2008 NCES Academic Libraries survey: CUL's response
    Cornell University Library (2009-05-19T15:47:56Z)
    Federally mandated, NCES collects data from degree-granting postsecondary institutions (~3,700) on a biennial basis. Data is collected on collections, services, expenditures, staffing and facilities. This PDF includes CUL's response and the NCES instructions.
  • Item
    2006 NCES Academic Libraries survey: CUL's response
    Cornell University Library (2008-02-28T15:55:19Z)
    Federally mandated, NCES collects data from degree-granting postsecondary institutions (~3,700) on a biennial basis. Data is collected on collections, services, expenditures, staffing and facilities. This PDF includes CUL's responses and the NCES instructions.